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WL2 Miniature City


Waste Recycling Ship Concept

WPT Systems Website Images
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Roof Generator [GN]

Blueprint Generator [GN]

Procedural Chain-Link Fence [GN]

Procedural escalators

Procedural Store Sign from Text [GN]
Latest Blog Entries

Drinktec Procedural Ident

3D Google Maps as Shadow Catchers

Moiré Generator

Film Strip Imperfections Effect

GN particles and scene occluders example

Circle Connectors for After Effects
- 100% handcrafted and puristic works. I control and overlook the creation process from start to finish, creating my own assets and writing my own code. I choose a clean and non-destructive, cascading workflow whenever possible.
- I make use of techniques from computer science and visual effects. I can bridge the gap to code-heavy and technical professions, working interdisciplinary on many projects
- Inspired by nature, science, maths, music, film and politics.
- Seeking positive, long and fair relationships with my clients. I am also interested in charity work.
I sell templates, node-setups and assets for Blender and After Effects. Feel free to take a look at my products on gumroad and blendermarket.
about me
thomas frenkel
design generalist, specialized in motion design and animation.
- 100% handcrafted and puristic works. I control and overlook the creation process from start to finish, creating my own assets and writing my own code. I choose a clean and non-destructive, cascading workflow whenever possible.
- I make use of techniques from computer science and visual effects. I can bridge the gap to code-heavy and technical professions, working interdisciplinary on many projects
- Inspired by nature, science, maths, music, film and politics.
- Seeking positive, long and fair relationships with my clients. I am also interested in charity work.
pure, holistic craft
I control and overlook the creation process from start to finish, coming up with concepts, creating my own assets and writing my own code. Whenever possible I choose a clean, non-destructive and cascading workflow.
I make use of techniques from computer science and visual effects. I can bridge the gap to code-heavy and technical professions. Artistic inspiration comes from nature, science, maths, music, film and politics.
positive relations
I seek personal, thoughtful and ethical business relations. I offer special conditions for social issues and am interested in charity work.
Wannenstraße 38
70199 Stuttgart